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Future Makers update on Sensible Screen Use

This is an excerpt from Derek Wenmoth's blog - click the Future Makers link to access the whole article. Derek has been a teacher, principal, teacher educator, e-learning specialist and policy advisor.

"Earlier this month I met with Julie Cullen and several others who have collaborated on a project called ‘sensible screen use‘, aimed at providing an informed view on the impact of screen use in schools. Julie is a paediatric physiotherapist, and her collaborators are all practitioners or researchers in various parts of the health system."

"I thoroughly enjoyed by engagement with the group. Like myself, they share an ‘optimism’ about the benefits of digital technologies in our society and the role they may play in building a better future. But this optimism is balanced with some serious concerns about the risks of un-critical adoption, resulting in negative impacts in areas such as​ physical and mental health, neurological development and social and emotional development."

"The concerns are well supported by the research, and this group are going an excellent job in presenting recommendations for parents, teachers and students based on information and research they need to make wise decisions about their use of devices and the time they spend on screens in a day or week."

See for more information.

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